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25 Motivational Affirmations

November 9, 2023

Positive daily affirmations for women

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You don’t need to take a class or cite a study to know that positive thinking is a powerful tool. Harboring negative emotions, even unconsciously, can affect your mental health and influence your actions. Living in a world that’s frequently focused on comparison and judgment is even more difficult. Because so many of our feelings toward something are manifested subconsciously, it’s difficult to do a mental 180 when it comes to thoughts on a situation, no matter how you try!

An affirmation can be a great way to tackle a nagging negative feeling and transform it into something that you benefit and grow from. Simply by reading inspiring words, I feel a sense of peace and confidence. Like a friend that gives you all the right advice just when you need it, affirmations can provide the positive reinforcement we need when no one’s around.

I’ve rounded up 25 motivational affirmations that reinforce positive thinking and self-love.. because we could all use a little more of both :)

  1. I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.
  2. My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite.
  3. The answer is right before me. Even if I do not see it. 
  4. I trust myself. (It seems so simple but is usually needed most when making difficult decisions!)
  5. I kindly ask for help and guidance if I cannot see a better way.
  6. Everything that is happening now is happening for the ultimate good.
  7. I compare myself only to my highest self.
  8. I press on because I believe in my path.
  9. I trust myself to make wise decisions.
  10. I radiate self-love and self-acceptance.
  11. I am constantly evolving and growing.
  12. I am empowered to pursue my dreams.
  13. I face challenges with courage and grace.
  14. I am open to new opportunities and experiences.
  15. I am a source of inspiration to others.
  16. I let go of self-doubt and embrace self-confidence.
  17. I am worthy of success and achievement.
  18. I attract love, joy, and prosperity.
  19. I release negative thoughts and embrace positivity.
  20. I am unstoppable in pursuing my passions.
  21. I am open to receiving love and kindness.
  22. I let go of perfectionism and embrace authenticity.
  23. I am a strong and confident decision-maker.
  24. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  25. I am grateful for the lessons life brings.

When you’re feeling unmotivated or unconfident, repeat these affirmations to change your perspective.

What’s your inspiring thought for the day? Please share!


Family means everything to me and I know yours does too. Let's do life together!


Tamera Mowry-Housley

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too so... Let's do life TOGETHER. Let's create and share memories filled with love.


16 Responses

  1. Seriously Tamera, this is one of the reasons I love you! Your so inspiring and upbeat! Its such a great example to the world in how to be upbeat and positive and have the right mindset! I post a lot of inspirational or motivational post for others but for myself as well! The first image says ” When One door closes, the next one opens, Let Go & Let God” . The second one is from Harriet Tubman “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

    Thank you Tamera for this!

  2. Seriously Tamera, this is one of the reasons I love you! Your so inspiring and upbeat! Its such a great example to the world in how to be upbeat and positive and have the right mindset! I post a lot of inspirational or motivational post for others but for myself as well! The first image says ” When One door closes, the next one opens, Let Go & Let God” . The second one is from Harriet Tubman “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

    Thank you Tamera for this!



  3. Sweet I’ll call it the Seinfeld way (it’s a motto of just staying with good friends that have positvity that helps) have God in our profile is always good and then start from there-mwa,~love~ ya Tamera! :-) God bless you and yours’ .

  4. This life is not about self but God, we need to look to Him to know how we should live snd build our character to help this lost world…. u are getting caught up with this world, dont believe the lies…postive thinking doesnt save you but theWord of God, His Truth that overcomes all sin and all circumstances

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