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Think Your Way to Healthy Eating

If you’ve seen my Healthy Living section, you know that I share health, food, and fitness tips here on my site. Healthy eating is very important to me; I always opt for fresh and try to understand my ingredients. However, like any habit to build, it isn’t always easy—you have to train your mind to know what to look for. There are many people who would like to make a healthy change, but don’t know where to start. Luckily, we always have the ability to change our lives for the better. :) 

The problem isn’t your body, it’s your mind

Once you see that you can change your thoughts about the food you consume, you start to realize just how much power you have. Of course, it can be tough at first. Everyone has a story—you have to consider why you haven’t adopted healthier ways before. The reasons are endless: you don’t know where to start; where to shop; you’re not the best at cooking; you weren’t raised in a household that had healthy meals on the table; fresh food is too expensive; or maybe, you’re just USED to a certain diet. Maybe what you thought was healthy growing up, actually wasn’t so good for you. With all those fad diets, it’s hard to tell! If you’ve always eaten processed meals and didn’t even know that certain veggies existed until a certain point—that’s a hurdle. But once you know that it’s your mind you have to convince—nothing more—you can start off eating right.

Consider these when you embark on a journey to healthier eating. If you take time to prepare mentally for a new lifestyle, it will come easier:

Consider your own past relationship with food

This helps you discover if you could become healthier or kick a bad habit. Doing this with other areas of your life, like fitness, is helpful too.

Research every product & consider its history

Over time, familiarize yourself with ingredients and what they mean; you’ll be able to make a decision on whether it’s the best option for you and your family. Find out where your food came from and how it was made—it will open your eyes.

Know your body


Some people are used to consuming a certain diet simply out of habit. But once you make a change, your body knows it and is happy. If you find yourself falling back to old ways, your body will likely remind you with a stomachache, exhaustion, or just an “off” days—listen to it!

Remind yourself: it’s an evolving process

Whether you’re worried about the cost of healthy food, how to prepare it, or how to educate yourself, just remember that it’s a process! There will be trial and error in finding how to get local produce or trying a new healthy recipe. But it’s also an opportunity to connect with your family and friends over it, too. It takes passion and research to change something as second nature as eating, but it’s worth it.

I’ll be talking more about my tips for balancing all the things above and more, along with health tips and recipes soon—be on the look out!

Do you have health and food topics you’d like to see covered on the site? Be sure to leave a comment letting me know!


Welcome To Tamera’s Kitchen

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too so... Let's do life TOGETHER. Let's create and share recipes filled with love.


Tamera Mowry-Housley

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too so... Let's do life TOGETHER. Let's create and share recipes filled with love.

If you made the recipe, take a pic and tag me @tameramowrytwo!


21 Responses

  1. Why join in the conversation if she clearly doesnt reply back. What good does this do if were just as puzzled as before reading this. Not trying to be negative. Just speaking out on this issue.

    1. She’s not actually suppose to reply back she’s giving us ideas and advices. :-) This is what mainly all celeb bloggers do. However she might surprise you with a reply back ….her site is still very new have patience ☝️

  2. It definatley is my mind. I am addicted to processed enhanced foods. That are made to make u orgasim in your mouth. So my challenge is quitting my food addiction.

  3. A great topic, that I’m currently struggling with, is preparing meals that the whole family likes. More so, healthy meals my 4 year old daughter will like.

  4. This site is TRULY Amazing! Excellent advices and tips! Tamera you are the PERFECT person to listen to regarding fitness tips! You have lost ALL of your pregnancy weight and look BEYOND amazing!

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