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Family Photo Album: Hawaii

June 16, 2017

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Earlier this month my family and I took the most amazing vacation to Hawaii to attend a friend’s wedding. We spent a glorious and relaxing week on the island of Maui (I seriously did not want to come home). We stayed at the Marriott Wailea Beach Resort, which was absolutely lovely, and they took great care of us! The trip was just what I needed … A little rest, a little fun and lots of quality time spent together as a family!

Now that my children are a little older, it was especially fun for me to watch them run around and play, and just be together. Aden loves swimming, and he and my husband had an absolute blast together in the pool. The Marriott Wailea had one of the best family pools at a hotel that I have ever seen (now that I am a mom, hotel features like this are my new normal!). The hotel also had these awesome kids’ teepees you could rent that Aden and Ariah absolutely loved.

We made some really special memories on this trip. Their laughter playing in the pool was completely infectious, and I couldn’t wait until the next day when we would get to do it all over again. Life can get so busy, and this vacation reminded me of the importance of taking time off to be with my family without outside interruptions.

Every time I go to Hawaii I am reminded of what a special place it really is. I can’t wait until the next time we go back. I’m so excited to share with you guys the photos from my trip, I hope you enjoy them!

Let me know where your favorite places are to take a family vacation!















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Family means everything to me and I know yours does too. Let's do life together!


Tamera Mowry-Housley

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too so... Let's do life TOGETHER. Let's create and share memories filled with love.


25 Responses

  1. Tamera, first of all, you have a beautiful family. Second, I have been to Maui and it’s simply breathtaking. I went with my husband 17 years ago. He went on business and we stayed an extra week. I agree with you: we all need time just to unwind and what better way than being with the family in such a gorgeous place. Glad you guys had fun.

  2. These pictures are simply beautiful!! Hawaii has always been on my “to do” list. Hopefully I’ll get there (from NYC) soon enough. Maui, especially looks like one level away from heaven. Looking forward to the new continuing segments of “The Real” and…………..girl talk(chat)! :-)

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