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My 10 Fall Skincare Tips

October 4, 2017

Affiliate Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a percentage of the revenue made from purchasing products linked to on this page.

Now that fall is here, that means that my summer skincare routine no longer holds up quite as well as it did in the warmer months. The air is getting colder and drier, and my skin tends to do the same thing! So, every year around October, I make changes to my beauty routine to ensure that my skin can stay as healthy as possible.

Today I wanted to share with you guys what my fall skincare routine looks like, and give you my 10 best seasonal skincare tips!

Switch up your cleanser

I use different cleaners seasonally because while a lighter gel cleaner works great in summer (when your skin is naturally producing more oil), it’s often too drying for my skin in winter. This time of year, I switch over to a moisture-rich cleansing lotion instead.

Use a more intense moisturizing lotion

To my point above, your skin produces more oil in the summer months, and so you require a less intense moisturizer. Even if my skin doesn’t feel dry yet, I still like to use a heavier moisturizer so that I can stay ahead of dryness.


Just because summer is over does NOT mean that the sun is not still damaging your skin. Remember to continue to use SPF daily on your face, neck and hands!


Invest in an at-home gentile exfoliating peel to brighten and even your skin tone. Summer months often leave our skin more sensitive to the sun, chlorine, etc, and so fall is the perfect time to exfoliate.

Use a Mask Weekly

Find a mask for your skin type, and use it weekly. Masks used over time make a big difference in keeping your skin looking bright and radiant.

Don't Forget About Your Whole Body

Again, I like to stay on top of skin dryness before it even starts. Invest in a super moisturizing body lotion or body butter, and apply daily.

See Your Dermatologist

We should go see the Dermatologist annually to get checked up (especially after increased summer sun exposure). Doing this every fall is an easy way to remember your annual appointment.

Don’t Neglect Your Hands

Hands can get very dry during the fall and winter months. Between harsh soaps and dry weather, our hands can easily crack and dry out. This time of year, I make sure that I have a good hand lotion in my purse and start applying it regularly. The same goes for your cuticles — Try using a cuticle oil daily (which will also make your manicures last longer!).


As it gets cooler out, it can be harder to remember to drink as much water. Hydration is so vital to skin health! I make a very conscious effort to try and remember to drink enough water each day.

Stock up on lip balm

I like to buy several tubes of lip balm at once so that I can stash them in various purses and places (like my bedside table and in the car). Lips can so easily become dried out, and it’s a good reminder to keep them moisturized.

I hope these tips help you guys transition your skincare routine to fall! If you have any other tips, please let me know!    


9 Responses

  1. Thank you I needed skincare tips for the fall. I had no idea i needed to change moisturizer with the season. I need to find a good expoliator.

  2. I reside in Queens Ny. I am hoping Autumn lingers and we have a mild winter. Skincare and moisture much needed to protect from the cold weather. I plan on purchasing a body butter and good old Vaseline..😆

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Tamera Mowry-Housley

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too so... Let's do life TOGETHER. Let's create and share memories filled with love.


9 Responses

  1. Thank you I needed skincare tips for the fall. I had no idea i needed to change moisturizer with the season. I need to find a good expoliator.

  2. I reside in Queens Ny. I am hoping Autumn lingers and we have a mild winter. Skincare and moisture much needed to protect from the cold weather. I plan on purchasing a body butter and good old Vaseline..😆

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