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Announcing My New Book Series

July 25, 2014

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Announcing My New Book Series |

Having Aden has allowed me to do so many things that I love, but from the perspective of being a mom. One thing that tops the list is reading to my son. As both a child and adult I have always loved reading and know it will forever be a part of my life. Now that I am a parent, I am so happy I can pass that onto him, helping him learn and seeing him smile during those moments. It’s an incredible bonding experience that I know will contribute to how he feels about reading later on.

So, considering all this, I have some BIG news! Tia and I both feel that reading and learning has played a huge role in our lives, and even more so as moms, and we wanted to pass that onto those who have grown up with us, and their kids too! That’s why I’m so excited to announce our new tween book series coming out with HarperCollins Children’s Books, called Twintuition.

We both love fiction that’s full of adventure—especially in the form of the supernatural! The Twilight series and The Hunger Games are two of my faves, and I can’t wait to add Twintuition into the mix. We hope that this will inspire young readers everywhere. The first in this series, Double Vision, will be coming to you April 21, 2015. Ah, so close, yet so far away!

I’m thrilled to finally unveil this new chapter (okay, I just had to!) in my career, and hope you will share in this experience with me. Check out these fun E! interviews with Tia and I here to learn more.

What kind of books did you read growing up? What do you read to your kids now? I’d love to know!


Family means everything to me and I know yours does too. Let's do life together!


Tamera Mowry-Housley

Family means everything to me and I know yours does too so... Let's do life TOGETHER. Let's create and share memories filled with love.


31 Responses

  1. Absolutely wonderful! It’s amazing that you & your sister are involved in so many different things. We need more positive Celebs like you both. I have a 7y/o & a 3 y/o – can’t wait until they are ready to add your books to their library collection! Appreciate all that you ladies do! I loved reading the Sweet Valley Twins books when I was a tween.

  2. (As a side note, Aden is one of the most beautiful children I have ever seen, and I see a lot of children. I’m a child’s photographer.) I never been much of a reader but as a kid, I loved the Dr. Seuss books. The rhymes are fun and easy to remember, so I was more likely to remember the meaning of the book if it contained a lot of rhymes. Now, anytime I pick up a book, it’s the bible. I want to be educated on such a widely known book and strengthen my faith and knowledge of God. This book also has a lot of meaning and life stories; so, therefore it is more appealing to me. I hope this helps and good luck to you and Tia. I’m sure you will be a success, as always.

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